January 27, 2016

welcome back :)
it has been kinda long since the last time I posted (uhh.. that's two years ago) so hi! I know, I know, it ain't new year anymore, even January is coming to its end soon. (((by the way, I'm listening Troye Sivan songs while typing! you may wanna listen to his song too :) )))
recently, my classmates (including my lecturer) and I have been discussing HIV and AIDS. and not only that, we were also talking about LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transexual). oh hey! FYI, there is Pansexual as well. If you're wondering what exactly Pansexual is, let me try to explain by using my own understanding (based on what I've been told by my lecturer and Google). There are many people whom couldn't differentiate between Bisexual and Pansexual. It's easy, Bisexuals are those people who are attracted to both sexes whether male or female. meanwhile, Pansexuals are the ones who can be attracted to any gender. Be it either attracted to male, female, bisexual or transgender.
have I made them, the terms clear? (I hope I had) to whoever that is reading (if there is any) and now you're wondering what does it mean by transgender. It stands for someone who doesn't conform to her/his typical association with her/his sex to which s/he was assigned at birth. I paraphrased the definition from APA's website. ((APA stands for American Psychological Association))
So, coming back to what I was going to say here, have any of you who are straight wondered how did these people become the people they are now. just what had triggered them? why did they choose to against their nature? okay, before we keep on questioning and drowning in the pool of curiosity which may lead us to die within any seconds for having unanswered questions. why can't we first, accept the people they are, without considering their genders? accept them, as a whole. for the persons they are. do not, just DO NOT discriminate and alienate them. if we have the intentions to actually help them, we gotta get rid of these prejudices towards them.
I gotta admit that I do have gay friends, seriously, nowadays, who doesn't befriend with them? and yessssss! I wish I could help them to be straight. but then again, who am I kidding with? (I, myself could barely survive this shitty life)
I guess that's what learning psychology does to me. To accept whoever or whatever someone is.
if you people out there really have the intention to help your friend, family member, or anyone who is not straight, trust me, I'm with you. and yeah, honestly I do not have any idea on how to change them. here's what I learned from psychology, we are not anyone's savior,  the matter of fact, we're just helping them. however, they gotta help themselves too.
can you imagine to be living with everyone keeps on telling you that it's wrong to have any "feelings" towards anyone who is the same gender with you? throughout your whole life? these people, they might have suppressed everything that they feel. don't you understand how does it feel to be that way? I'm not saying all of them, but I've met some of them. they feel that they're disgusting, people don't accept them, it's like the whole world is against them. seriously, do you really think that they wanted to be that way?
talking about HIV and AIDS. people seriously need to stop feel disgusted to be around with people who have HIV. I don't understand why is everyone being so mean towards them. like they don't belong to the same world that we're living. they're neglected. as if we could be affected by the virus just by getting touched. omg, nooooo. that is the most infamous misconception you will never be affected that way. there is no way that we can be affected unless if we had made any contact with infected blood, semen, breast milk, or vaginal fluids. you people, seriously, go study and get a valid information. if you can hardly find anyone to educate you, there's something called google. a pregnant woman can pass HIV to their babies too. so girls, if you're affected with HIV, chances are your babies will be affected too.
with the hope that the world I'm living will get better, peaaaace :)

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